The 5 Most Common Soccer Injuries And How To Avoid Them

Soccer is a sport that is enjoyed by people all over the world. While it is a lot of fun, we want to maximise our time spent on the field instead of on the side-lines due to one of these common injuries.

In this blog post, we will discuss the five most common soccer injuries and how to avoid them.  If you are someone who loves soccer, make sure to read this post so that you can stay safe while playing!

What factors contribute the most to soccer injuries?

Soccer is a physically demanding sport that requires players to run, jump and kick their way to victory.  Several factors can contribute to an injury on the soccer field.

Contact and Non-Contact injuries

Common soccer injuries involve one of two mechanisms:  contact or non-contact. Contact injuries occur when players collide with each other, while non-contact injuries occur without any direct contact between players.


All that running can take its toll on the body, leading to fatigue.  When players are tired, they are more likely to make mistakes, such as losing control of the ball or missing a tackle.  Fatigue also makes players more susceptible to injuries, as their muscles are not able to react as quickly to sudden changes in direction. 

Previous History

When it comes to soccer injuries, previous injury history is often a major contributing factor.   Players who have previously suffered an injury are much more likely to suffer another one, and the severity of the injury is often increased.  While previous injury history is not the only factor that contributes to football injuries, it is certainly a significant one. 

Conditioning and Training Volume

Soccer is a sport that requires a tremendous amount of running, sprinting, and jumping. As a result, it puts a lot of stress on the muscles and joints.  If a player is not properly conditioned, they are more likely to experience an injury.  This is why proper conditioning and training are essential for any soccer player.  By increasing their strength, fitness, and coordination, players can reduce their risk of injury.

It is also important for soccer players to be aware of the volume of training they are doing.  Too much training can lead to overuse injuries, such as stress fractures. On the other hand, too little training can leave players unprepared and more susceptible to other types of injuries.  Players should strike a balance in their training volume to stay safe on the field.

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Here Are The Five Most Common Soccer Injuries

Ankle sprain

Soccer requires a lot of quick movements and sharp changes in direction.  As a result, ankle sprains are a common injury among soccer players.  The most common way that an ankle sprain occurs is when the player makes a sudden change in direction while the foot is planted on the ground.  This can cause the ligaments that support the ankle to stretch or tear.  In most ankle sprains, the injury occurs when the foot rolls inward, causing damage to the ligaments on the outside of the ankle - this could be either a partial tear or a complete tear of the ligaments.

Ankle Sprain

Knee injuries

Players are constantly changing directions and accelerating during play, which puts a lot of stress on their knees.  As a result, knee injuries are one of the most common types of injuries in soccer. The most well-known knee ligament injury is an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear.  This occurs when one of the stabilising ligaments that connects the thighbone to the shinbone is torn.   ACL injuries can be extremely painful and may require surgery to repair.  In addition to ACL injuries, other knee injuries that players may also suffer include meniscus tear, patellar tendinitis, and MCL, LCL, and PCL tears.  Knee pain from these common knee injuries can result whether it is from a mild injury or a more severe injury, and can be a sudden sharp pain, or dull knee pain with varying degrees of intensity.

Knee Injuries

Hamstring strains

Soccer is a sport that requires a lot of running, turning, and stopping. These quick movements put a lot of strain on the hamstring muscles, which run along the back of the thigh. A hamstring strain is a common soccer injury that occurs when this muscle is loaded beyond its limits, resulting in a tear of the muscle fibers. This injury is especially common among sprinting athletes, such as soccer players. Hamstring injuries can range from mild to severe and may take several weeks to heal properly. Hamstring injuries are often difficult to fully recover from, and as a result, players are often at risk of re-injury.

Hamstring Strain

Calf strains

Soccer players are all too familiar with the pain of a calf strain. This common injury often occurs when sprinting or making sudden changes in direction. The calf muscle is put under a lot of stress during these activities, and if it's not properly warmed up, it can become strained. The most common type of calf strain is a tear to the gastrocnemius muscle. This muscle is located at the back of the leg and is responsible for plantar flexion, or pointing the foot downward. A strain to this muscle can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty walking.

Calf Strain

Groin strains

Groin pulls or strains are one of the most common soccer injuries. They usually occur when a player makes a sudden change in direction, resulting in a muscle tear. Groin strains can also be caused by overstretching, direct contact with another player, or weakened muscles.  The best way to prevent this common injury is to warm up properly before each game or practice.  It's also important to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the area regularly.

What Can Be Done To Avoid These Soccer Injuries

Injuries are an unfortunate reality of playing soccer.  However, there are a few things that players and coaches can do to help reduce the risk of most soccer injuries.

First, it is important to warm up properly before practicing or playing any soccer games.  A good warm-up will help to increase blood flow to the muscles and reduce the risk of strains and other soft tissue injuries.

Make sure to listen to your body.  If you are feeling pain or discomfort in any part of your body, it is important to take a break and rest.  Continuing to play through the pain can lead to further injury.

Improving your strength and fitness training can help to prevent injuries by improving your overall musculoskeletal health.  Stronger muscles and bones are less likely to be injured.  In addition, ongoing strength and fitness training can also help players to recover more quickly from injuries if they do occur.  As a result, strength and fitness training should be an important part of any soccer player's routine.

"Proprioception" is the awareness of joint position and movement. It allows athletes to know where their limbs are in space and adjust their movement accordingly.  Proprioception exercises help to improve this awareness, which can in turn help to prevent most soccer injuries.  By doing proprioception exercises, soccer players can train their bodies to better sense joint position and movement, reducing their risk of sustaining a serious injury. 

Plyometric exercises are another type of exercise that can help to prevent soccer injuries. Plyometrics are a type of explosive training that helps to improve power and speed.  Soccer is a game that requires players to be able to sprint, jump, and change direction quickly.  By doing plyometric exercises, soccer players can train their bodies to better handle the demands of the sport. This in turn can help to reduce the risk of sustaining a serious injury on the field.  Plyometric exercises can be done with or without equipment, making them accessible to any soccer player who wants to improve their athletic performance.

Plyometric exercises

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent all soccer injuries, there are several steps that players can take to reduce their risk.  By understanding the most common soccer injuries and taking steps to prevent them, players can stay healthy and on the field for longer.  With proper prevention, most soccer players can enjoy a safe and enjoyable experience with the sport.

Bonus Training Program For Injury Prevention

The FIFA 11+ injury prevention program is a series of exercises designed to reduce the risk of injuries in soccer players. The program includes exercises for warm-up, cool-down, and during training sessions. The exercises are designed to improve flexibility, strength, and balance.

Peer reviewed studies have shown the FIFA 11+  to reduce the incidence of injuries by 30%.  In addition, the program can also help to improve performance on the field.   For these reasons, the FIFA 11+ is an essential part of any soccer player's training regime.

You can find a copy of the FIFA 11+ injury prevention program here:

Soccer is a physically demanding sport that can cause injuries if players are not careful. However, by following these simple tips, you can help reduce your risk of injury on the field. Stay safe and have fun!


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